Custom Merchandise

Custom Merchandise


If the program you are taking is not found in our Program Wear, group orders can be facilitated. Minimum of 24. Contact Donna Mahon with inquiries.

Example Program Hoods



Would you like products branded with your department's name and logo? We can assist with your marketting needs. Please contact Donna Mahon for all of your custom branded Mohawk merchandise order requests.

Please secure permission from your department regarding budgets and FOAPAL usage. 

Examples of Mohawk branded products



Some classes require a particular calculator, notebook, safety equipment, or uniform. We can help with that.

Please contact Donna Mahon, with your items and course code. These items can potentially be added to your course as a suggested purchase, alongside the textbook. Or they could be located in our generic Course Supplies section if they may be of interest to other students.