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Campus: FF
Term: WINT25
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ACCT 10005 2 - Financial Statement Concepts
ACCT 10005 2 - Financial Statement Concepts
ACCT 10005 2 - Financial Statement Concepts
ACCT 10014 2 - Accounting 2 -Financial
ACCT 10014 2 - Accounting 2 -Financial
ACCT 10014 2 - Accounting 2 -Financial
ACCT 10040 6 - Professional Practice
ACCT 10041 6 - Corporate Tax
ACCT 10123 4 - Executive Accounting Skills 2
ACCT 10134 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 1
ACCT 10134 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 1
ACCT 10134 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 1
ACCT 10135 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 2
ACCT 10135 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 2
ACCT 10135 4 - Interm Fin Reporting Ii-Part 2
ACCT AC211 2 - Understanding Fin. Statements
ACCT AC211 2 - Understanding Fin. Statements
ACCT AC410 2 - Applied Accounting Sys
ACCT AC410 2 - Applied Accounting Sys
ACCT AC410 2 - Applied Accounting Sys
ACCT AC436 4 - Cost & Managerial Acctg 2
ACCT AC436 4 - Cost & Managerial Acctg 2
ACCT AC436 4 - Cost & Managerial Acctg 2
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB101 1 - Accounting 1
ACCT CB203 2 - Management Accounting
ACCT CB203 3 - Management Accounting
ACCT CB340 4 - Business Finance
ACCT CB340 4 - Business Finance
ACCT CB340 4 - Business Finance
ACCT CB340 4 - Business Finance
ACCT CB340 4 - Business Finance
ADVR 10006 1 - Intro. To Advertising Layout
ADVR 10009 1 - Advertising Applications
ADVR 10010 1 - Advertising Concepts
ADVR 10017 4 - Interactive And Social Media
ADVR 10019 4 - Adv.Broadcast Buying/Sell(Bus)
ADVR 10050 2 - Layout And Art Design 2
ADVR 10060 6 - Agency Experience 2
ADVR 10062 6 - Media Review
ADVR 10064 2 - Foundations In Marketing
ADVR 10065 1 - Traditional Copy
ADVR 10070 6 - Mobile Media
ADVR 10071 1 - Media 1
ADVR 10079 6 - Finding Balance
ADVR 10080 6 - Portfolios For Business
ADVR 10081 1 - Account & Project Management
ADVR 10084 4 - Agency Process
ADVR 10085 4 - Ad Campaign
ADVR 10086 4 - Photography
ANIM 10005 2 - 3D Post Construction 1
ANIM 10005 2 - 3D Post Construction 1
ANIM 10006 2 - Animation 2
ANIM 10006 2 - Animation 2
ANIM 10008 2 - Design 2
ANIM 10008 2 - Design 2
ANIM 10009 2 - Storyboard/Animatic 1
ANIM 10009 2 - Storyboard/Animatic 1
ANIM 10010 2 - Life Drawing 1
ANIM 10017 4 - 3D Construction 3
ANIM 10019 4 - Animation Production
ANIM 10020 4 - Life Drawing 2
ANIM 10029 6 - 3D Construction 4
ANIM 10030 6 - Animation 6
ANIM 10031 6 - Design 6
ANIM 10032 6 - Sculpt & Paint 2
ANIM 10033 6 - Portfolio, Pitch & Proposal
ANIM 10034 6 - Post Production
ANIM 10035 2 - Scriptwriting Intro
ANIM 10038 4 - Animating 4
ANIM 10039 4 - Sculpt & Paint
ANIM 10040 4 - Post Production Intro
ANIM 10049 2 - Life Drawing For Animation 2
ANIM 10053 2 - Principles Of Story And Film
ANTR 10000 1 - Plagues & People: Hist Of Dis
ANTR 10000 1 - Plagues & People: Hist Of Dis
ANTR 10000 1 - Plagues & People: Hist Of Dis
ANTR 10005 4 - Human Origins
ANTR 10006 1 - Origins, Beliefs, Behaviour
ANTR 10006 1 - Origins, Beliefs, Behaviour
ANTR 10006 1 - Origins, Beliefs, Behaviour
ASYS PH601 6 - Computer Applications & Plcs
BIOL 10001 2 - Cell Biology
BIOL 10001 2 - Cell Biology
BIOL 10001 2 - Cell Biology
BIOL 10003 4 - Biotechnology 2
BIOL 10003 4 - Biotechnology 2
BIOL 10003 4 - Biotechnology 2
BIOL 10004 2 - Advanced Human Biology
BIOL 10006 1 - Prep Biology
BIOL 10006 1 - Prep Biology
BIOL 10006 1 - Prep Biology
BIOL 10009 4 - Biomedical
BIOL 10009 4 - Biomedical
BIOL 10015 1 - Biotechnology 1 (Lec)
BIOL 10015 1 - Biotechnology 1 (Lec)
BIOL 10016 2 - Biotechnology 1 Lab
BIOL 10016 2 - Biotechnology 1 Lab
BIOL 10016 2 - Biotechnology 1 Lab
BIOL 10027 4 - Bioinformatics
BIOL 10027 4 - Bioinformatics
BIOL 10027 4 - Bioinformatics
BIOL 10030 2 - Biology For Pre-Health 2
BIOL 10035 6 - Good Manufacturing Practices
BIOL 10036 6 - Advanced Biochemistry
BIOL 10037 6 - Food & Pharm Microbiology
BIOL 10038 6 - Bioengineering
BLDG 10103 4 - Structural Detailing
BLDG 10103 4 - Structural Detailing
BLDG 10723 2 - Estimating 1 (Bcs)
BLDG 10723 2 - Estimating 1 (Bcs)
BLDG 10723 2 - Estimating 1 (Bcs)
BLDG 10723 2 - Estimating 1 (Bcs)
BLDG 10723 2 - Estimating 1 (Bcs)
BLDG 10724 5 - Commercial Constr-Design
BLDG 10725 5 - Commercial Bldg Syst-Design
BLDG AR463 5 - Ontario Building Code 2
BLDG AR485 4 - Commercial Bldg Services
BLDG AR492 4 - Architectural Project
BLDG AR525 5 - Structural Design 3
BLDG AR562 5 - Architectural Design
BLDG AR700 5 - Arch. Computer Visualization
BLDG CV342 4 - Estimating 2
BLDG EA401 4 - Structural Design 2
BLDG EA501 5 - Structural Design 3
BLDG EA501 5 - Structural Design 3
BLDG EA521 5 - Sustainable Design & Bldg Prac
BLDG EA545 5 - Commercial Construction
BLDG UP200 2 - Land Registry Systems
BLDG UP200 2 - Land Registry Systems
BUSN 10002 2 - International Management
BUSN 10002 4 - International Trade Mgmt
BUSN 10036 2 - Financial Services Industry
BUSN 10049 2 - Intro. To Business
BUSN 10052 6 - Operational Risk Management
BUSN 10052 6 - Operational Risk Management
BUSN 10053 1 - Negotiation Strategies
BUSN 10097 4 - Pract Mgmt/Operat Small Bus
BUSN 10100 6 - Professionalism & Ethics
BUSN 10100 6 - Business Ethics
BUSN 10100 6 - Professionalism & Ethics
BUSN 10102 4 - Social Media & Business
BUSN 10102 4 - Social Media & Business
BUSN 10103 2 - Building Customer Relationship
BUSN 10103 2 - Building Customer Relationship
BUSN 10123 4 - Entrepreneurship Today's World
BUSN 10124 6 - Enterprise Resource Planning
BUSN 10127 1 - Requirements Analysis
BUSN 10131 2 - Requirements Mgmt And Comm
BUSN 10132 2 - Solution Assess And Validation
BUSN 10135 2 - Business Analytics And Intelligence
BUSN 10135 4 - Business Analytics And Intelligence
BUSN 10139 2 - Database Design And Management
BUSN 10140 1 - Strategy Analysis And Planni
BUSN 10140 2 - Enterprise Analysis And Planni
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 2 - Business Reports
BUSN 10141 3 - Business Reports
BUSN 10142 4 - Relationship Management
BUSN 10143 2 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 2 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 2 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 4 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 4 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 4 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 4 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10143 4 - Business Applications Excel
BUSN 10160 1 - Quality Assurance Methodologies
BUSN 10186 1 - Project Mgmt Supply Chain
BUSN 10187 1 - Supply Chain Operations
BUSN 10188 2 - Prod Planning For Supply Chain
BUSN 10189 1 - Purchasing For Supply Chain
BUSN 10190 1 - Cust Relations In Supply Chain
BUSN 10191 1 - Warehouse, Log & Outsource
BUSN 10192 2 - Interntl Bus. Enviro And Operation
BUSN 10193 2 - Materials Mgmt Supply Chain
BUSN 10194 2 - Supply Chain Value Streams
BUSN 10195 2 - Operating Standards & Audits
BUSN 10196 1 - Data Modelling
BUSN 10197 2 - Project Mgmt For Bus Analytics
BUSN 10198 2 - Predictive Modelling
BUSN 10219 6 - Practice Mgmt:Mt
BUSN 10222 2 - Sales & Negotiation
BUSN 10222 4 - Sales & Negotiation
BUSN 10225 2 - Analytics Capstone Project
BUSN 10257 2 - Global Corprate Strategy
BUSN 10258 1 - Facilitate Change
BUSN 10276 1 - Leading Projects
BUSN 10277 1 - Facilitating Org Change
BUSN 10278 1 - Intelligence For Project Mgmt
BUSN 10279 2 - Project Management Ll
BUSN 10280 2 - Agile Project Methodologies
BUSN 10281 2 - Personal Career Management
BUSN 10282 2 - Certification Preparation
BUSN 10283 2 - Capstone Project
BUSN 10284 2 - Career Planning & Pd
BUSN 10285 2 - Business Process/Mgt
BUSN 10292 2 - Npdp Preparation
BUSN 10295 1 - Intro To Entrepreneurship
BUSN 10296 2 - Legal Essentials
BUSN 10297 2 - Accounting & Finance
BUSN 10303 4 - Intro Analytics For Insurance
BUSN 10303 4 - Intro Analytics For Insurance
BUSN BA440 6 - Business Finance 2
BUSN BA440 6 - Business Finance 2
BUSN BA532 4 - Entrepreneurship&Bus. Planning
BUSN BA532 4 - Entrepreneurship&Bus. Planning
BUSN BE305 1 - Project Management
BUSN BE305 4 - Project Management
BUSN BE305 4 - Project Management
BUSN BE305 4 - Project Management
BUSN BE305 6 - Project Management
BUSN BE401 4 - E-Commerce
BUSN BE450 2 - Personal Financial Mgmt Option
BUSN BE450 2 - Personal Financial Mgmt Option
BUSN BE450 4 - Personal Financial Mgmt Option
BUSN BE450 4 - Personal Financial Mgmt Option
BUSN CB436 3 - Business Law
BUSN CB436 4 - Business Law
BUSN CB436 4 - Business Law
BUSN GB335 4 - Operations Management
BUSN GB335 4 - Operations Management
BUSN IB101 2 - Intrnl Product Strategies
BUSN IB102 1 - Global Supply Chain Mgmt
BUSN IB102 3 - Global Supply Chain Mgmt
BUSN IB103 3 - International Research
BUSN IB201 3 - International Marketing
BUSN IB202 2 - International Finance
BUSN IB202 3 - International Trade Finance
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 2 - Intro To Org Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 4 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 4 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
BUSN OB371 4 - Intro To Org. Behaviour Option
CADM 10063 2 - Presentation Graphics
CADM 10063 2 - Presentation Graphics
CADM 10067 1 - Technical Drawing 1
CADM 10068 2 - Technical Drawing 2
CADM CV203 1 - Cad A
CADM CV203 1 - Cad A
CADM CV203 1 - Cad A
CADM CV203 1 - Cad A
CADM CV203 1 - Cad A
CADM CV206 2 - Cad B
CADM CV206 2 - Cad B
CADM CV206 2 - Cad B
CADM CV206 2 - Cad B
CADM CV206 2 - Cad B
CADM CV401 4 - Comp App For Civil Engineering
CADM EA531 5 - Const. Computer Apps.
CADM MC600 4 - Robotics
CADM MC600 4 - Robotics
CADM MC634 6 - Cim And Cnc
CENG 10000 1 - Applied Programming
CENG 10000 1 - Applied Programming
CENG 10000 1 - Applied Programming
CENG 10000 1 - Applied Programming
CENG 10009 4 - Web Applications
CENG 10009 4 - Web Applications
CENG 10010 4 - Motor Drives And Control
CENG 10010 4 - Motor Drives And Control
CENG 10012 4 - Advanced Server
CENG 10012 4 - Advanced Server
CENG 10020 6 - Advanced Robotics
CENG 10021 6 - Mobile Enabled Devices
CENG 10029 4 - Plc 3: Graph & Seq Programming
CENG 10029 4 - Plc 3: Graph & Seq Programming
CENG 10030 6 - Industrial Communications
CENG 10031 6 - Industrial Networking
CENG 10034 4 - Microcontrollers
CENG 10034 4 - Microcontrollers
CENG 10035 6 - Additive Manufacturing
CENG 10036 6 - Applied Digital Processing
CHEM 10000 4 - Biochemistry
CHEM 10000 4 - Biochemistry
CHEM 10000 4 - Biochemistry
CHEM 10001 2 - Advanced Chemisty
CHEM 10004 6 - Chemical Engineering 3
CHEM 10036 2 - Engineering Skiils
CHEM 10038 4 - Quality Assurance
CHEM 10040 6 - Capstone Project - Chemical
CHEM 10041 6 - Ind Materials And Synthesis
CHEM 10042 2 - Organic Chemistry
CHEM 10042 2 - Organic Chemistry
CHEM 10047 4 - Analytical Chemistry 2
CHEM 10048 4 - Chemical Engineering 2
CHEM 10052 2 - Chemistry For Pre-Health 2
CHEM 10056 2 - Organic & Biochemistry
CHEM CH116 1 - Chemistry
CHEM CH116 1 - Chemistry
CHEM CH116 1 - Chemistry
CHEM CH116 1 - Chemistry
CHEM CH116 1 - Chemistry
CHEM PE106 1 - Preparatory Chemistry
CHEM PE106 2 - Preparatory Chemistry
CHEM PE106 2 - Preparatory Chemistry
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHEM PH108 2 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CLIN 10065 4 - Clinical Practice 2: Mt
CLIN 10068 6 - Clinical Outreach:Mt
CLIN 10079 2 - Introduction To Clinic
CLIN 10087 6 - Func. & Integr. Clinic Prac
COM CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMM 10014 2 - Pr- Writing Part 2
COMM 10064 2 - English For Pre-Health
COMM 10131 2 - Research Reports Proposals
COMM 10260 2 - Case Mgmt. & Documentation
COMM 10292 2 - College Prep Communications
COMM 10332 1 - Communication For Paralegal
COMM 10333 2 - Communication Cont Hlth Issues
COMM 10334 2 - Communication For Life
COMM 10337 1 - Written Communication Ibs
COMM 10362 2 - Practical Communication Skills
COMM 10368 2 - Advanced Writing
COMM 10368 2 - Advanced Writing
COMM 10370 2 - Intercultural Omm-Esl
COMM 10381 1 - Communication
COMM 10389 1 - Integrated Skills 1
COMM 10390 2 - Listening, Speaking, & Pronunciation 2
COMM 10391 2 - Writing And Grammar 2
COMM 10392 2 - Reading And Vocabulary 2
COMM 10393 3 - Listening, Speaking, & Pronunciation 3
COMM 10394 3 - Writing And Grammar 3
COMM 10395 3 - Reading And Vocabulary 3
COMM 10397 - Pre-Eap Foundations
COMM 10408 1 - Oral Communication For Gbm
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 1 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 2 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 2 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM 11000 2 - Essential Communication Skills
COMM LL122 2 - Researching & Reporting-Lgs
COMM LL122 2 - Researching & Reporting-Lgs
COMM SO226 1 - Interviewing Skills
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10001 1 - Programming Fundamentals
COMP 10017 4 - Email Server Admin.
COMP 10017 4 - Email Server Admin.
COMP 10022 4 - Itil Client Support
COMP 10022 4 - Itil Client Support
COMP 10023 4 - Cisco Routing And Switching
COMP 10023 4 - Cisco Routing And Switching
COMP 10024 2 - Fundamentals Of Unix
COMP 10024 2 - Fundamentals Of Unix
COMP 10024 2 - Fundamentals Of Unix
COMP 10025 5 - Database Server Admin La
COMP 10031 5 - Security Auditing & Forensics
COMP 10032 5 - Unix Security
COMP 10041 2 - Microsoft Server Admin.Part 1
COMP 10041 2 - Microsoft Server Admin.Part 1
COMP 10041 2 - Microsoft Server Admin.Part 1
COMP 10043 2 - Tcp/Ip Internet Services
COMP 10043 2 - Tcp/Ip Internet Services
COMP 10043 2 - Tcp/Ip Internet Services
COMP 10062 2 - Programming In Java
COMP 10062 2 - Programming In Java
COMP 10062 2 - Programming In Java
COMP 10064 2 - Computer Training & Tech Wrtng
COMP 10064 2 - Computer Training & Tech Wrtng
COMP 10064 2 - Computer Training & Tech Wrtng
COMP 10067 4 - Server. Pltform & Netwrkg Sec
COMP 10068 5 - Adv. Programming In .Net
COMP 10073 5 - Android Applic Develop
COMP 10110 2 - Virtualization
COMP 10110 2 - Virtualization
COMP 10110 2 - Virtualization
COMP 10111 5 - Powershell Admin Scripting
COMP 10127 5 - Advanced Php
COMP 10134 1 - Computer Skills - Small Bus
COMP 10143 1 - Paralegal Computer Application
COMP 10164 2 - Comp Investigative Techniques
COMP 10178 1 - Project Mgmt Application
COMP 10178 2 - Project Mgmt Application
COMP 10178 4 - Project Mgmt Application
COMP 10187 2 - Business Analytics For Managers
COMP 10192 1 - Applied Ibm Bus Intelligence
COMP 10199 2 - Applied Research 1
COMP 10199 5 - Applied Research 1
COMP 10199 5 - Applied Research 1
COMP 10200 5 - Machine Learning
COMP 10205 4 - Data Structures & Algorithms
COMP 10205 4 - Data Structures & Algorithms
COMP 10214 1 - Programming Fund For Busn
COMP 10214 1 - Programming Fund For Busn
COMP 10233 2 - Analytics Programming
COMP 10244 4 - Front End Web Programming
COMP 10244 4 - Front End Web Programming
COMP 10245 5 - Analytics And Metrics
COMP 10246 5 - Software Capstone Proposal
COMP 10259 2 - Client Side Web Programming
COMP 10259 2 - Client Side Web Programming
COMP 10259 2 - Client Side Web Programming
COMP 10261 4 - Intro To Intelligent Systems
COMP 10261 4 - Intro To Intelligent Systems
COMP 10271 4 - Cloud Computing
COMP 10271 4 - Cloud Computing
COMP 10271 4 - Cloud Computing
COMP 10272 4 - Software Dev Tools & Practices
COMP 10274 2 - Data Analytics For Chem. Eng.
COMP 10279 5 - Advanced Database
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO710 1 - Html And Css
COMP CO826 2 - Intro Sys Analysis & Design
COMP CO826 2 - Intro Sys Analysis & Design
COMP CO826 2 - Intro Sys Analysis & Design
COMP CO845 4 - Strategic Systems
COMP CO867 5 - Software Engrg. Project
COMP CO884 4 - Web Application Ms.Net
COMP CO884 4 - Web Application Ms.Net
COMP CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMP CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMP CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMP CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMP CO910 1 - Introduction To Networking
COMP CO924 4 - Web Server Administration
COMP CO924 4 - Web Server Admininistration
COUN 10004 2 - Intro To Couns & Comm Skills
COUN 10010 4 - Assess, Coun, & Support
COUN 10010 4 - Assess, Coun, & Support
CRED 10028 2 - Portfolio & Career Development
CRED 10042 4 - Pitch And Proposal
CRED 10060 2 - Advertising Roles
CRED 10063 6 - Portfolio Presentation
CRED 10064 6 - Interactive Production
CRED 10065 4 - Professional Practice For Rt
CRED 10065 4 - Professional Practice For Rt
CRED 10070 2 - Academic Experience 2a
CRED 10072 3 - Acadmic Experience 3a
CRED 10073 3 - Academic Experience 3b
CRED 10074 4 - Academic Experience 4a
CRED 10075 4 - Academic Experience 4b
CRED 10079 4 - Health Care Careers
CRED 10081 2 - Concurrent Disorders Field
CRED 10086 2 - Career Planning
CRED 10094 2 - Career Advancement
CRED 10094 2 - Career Advancement
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10106 1 - Business Success Strategies
CRED 10107 1 - College And Career Preparation
CRED 10108 4 - Career Preparationb
CRED 10117 2 - Career Dev In Supply Chain Ind
CRED 10119 2 - Job Prepration Skills
CRED 10128 2 - Career Dev. For Analytics Professionals
CRED 10129 3 - Skills For Work
CRED 10130 3 - Transitioning To Community
CRED 10131 4 - Transitioning From Cice
CRED 10132 4 - Cice Capstone
CRED 10136 2 - Career Planning
CRED 10137 2 - Numeracy For Life And Work
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10202 2 - Workplace Professionalism
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED 10203 2 - Career Exploration
CRED AS101 1 - First Year Foundations
CRED AS101 1 - First Year Foundations
CRED AS101 1 - First Year Foundations
CRED CE106 1 - Intro To Career Education
CRED CE106 1 - Intro To Career Education
CRED CE106 1 - Intro To Career Education
CRED CE106 1 - Intro To Career Education
CRED CE106 1 - Intro To Career Education
CRED CM903 6 - Job Search/Career Planning
CRED IB105 3 - Professional Skills
CRED OA403 4 - Portfolio Dev. & Career Search
CRED SO123 2 - Professional Development Semi
CUST 10006 2 - Customer Relations
CUST 10006 2 - Customer Relations
CUST 10006 2 - Customer Relations
CYBR 10000 1 - Security Operations
CYBR 10001 1 - Cyber Sec Assess & Test
CYBR 10002 1 - Identity & Access Mgmt Personal Security
CYBR 10003 1 - Asset Security
CYBR 10004 1 - Auditing And Security Review
CYBR 10005 1 - Communication And Networking Security
CYBR 10006 2 - Cyber Security & Risk Mgmt And Response
CYBR 10007 2 - Security Strategy Engineering
CYBR 10008 2 - Evolving Threats And Keeping Current
CYBR 10008 5 - Evolving Threats And Keeping Current
CYBR 10009 2 - Social Media-Security Best Practices
CYBR 10010 2 - Cyber Security Evaluation Project Mgmt
CYBR 10011 2 - Cyber Security Evaluation Project Mgmt
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON 10004 2 - Economics
ECON EB122 2 - Microeconomics
ECON EB122 2 - Microeconomics
ECON EB122 2 - Microeconomics
ECON EB122 2 - Microeconomics
ECON EB122 2 - Microeconomics
ECON EB222 3 - Macroeconomics
ECON EB222 4 - Macroeconomics
EDIS 10000 1 - Belonging: Equity & Inclusion
EDUC 10028 2 - Behav Skill Building
EDUC 10029 2 - Parent & Staff Training
EDUC 10074 1 - Responsive Care Infant & Toddler
EDUC 10093 1 - Field Placement Prep
EDUC 10113 3 - Advocacy, Ethics & Policy
EDUC 10114 4 - Supervising Leadership & Qlty
EDUC 10118 3 - Curriculum Theory & Approaches
EDUC 10119 4 - Philosophy & Curriculum Design
EDUC EC115 1 - Learning Environment 1
EDUC EC121 1 - Child Development & Behaviour 1
EDUC EC128 1 - Par Teach Child Relation 1
EDUC EC129 4 - Family Dynamics
EDUC EC215 2 - Learning Environment 2
EDUC EC221 2 - Child Develop & Behaviour 2
EDUC EC228 2 - Par Teach Child Relation 2
EDUC EC301 3 - Inclusion In The Ece Classroom
EDUC EC420 3 - Parents As Partners
ELEC 10055 4 - Automation & Industrial Ntwrks
ELEC 10055 4 - Automation & Industrial Ntwrks
ELEC 10059 4 - Linear Systems
ELEC 10065 6 - Variable Speed Drives
ELEC 10067 6 - Power Protection & Mgmt
ELEC 10067 6 - Power Protection & Mgmt
ELEC 10083 6 - Electrical Power Generation
ELEC 10084 6 - Smart Metering & Distribution
ELEC 10088 1 - Elec Eng Drafting & Design 1
ELEC 10088 1 - Elec Eng Drafting & Design 1
ELEC 10088 1 - Elec Eng Drafting & Design 1
ELEC 10088 1 - Elec Eng Drafting & Design 1
ELEC 10099 1 - Electricity 1
ELEC 10099 1 - Electricity 1
ELEC 10099 1 - Electricity 1
ELEC 10099 1 - Electricity 1
ELEC 10125 6 - Hybrid Electric Technologies
ELEC 10126 2 - Programmable Logic Controllers
ELEC 10126 2 - Programmable Logic Controllers
ELEC 10126 2 - Programmable Logic Controllers
ELEC 10126 2 - Programmable Logic Controllers
ELEC 10133 2 - Elect. Navagation For Boaters
ELEC 10137 2 - Ac Electricity
ELEC 10137 2 - Ac Electricity
ELEC 10137 2 - Ac Electricity
ELEC 10137 2 - Ac Electricity
ELEC 10138 6 - Industrial Robotics
ELEC 10145 6 - Electrical Capstone
ELEC 10145 6 - Electrical Capstone
ELEC 10145 6 - Electrical Capstone
ELEC 10153 6 - Electrical Applied Research 2
ELEC 10153 6 - Electrical Applied Research 2
ELEC 10153 6 - Electrical Applied Research 2
ELEC 10156 4 - Elect Rotating Machines Lec
ELEC 10156 4 - Elect Rotating Machines Lec
ELEC 10157 4 - Elect Rotating Machiinces Lab
ELEC 10157 4 - Elect Rotating Machiinces Lab
ELEC 10195 6 - Power Generation
ELEC 10196 1 - Computer Systems And Networks
ELEC 10196 1 - Computer Systems And Networks
ELEC 10196 1 - Computer Systems And Networks
ELEC 10196 1 - Computer Systems And Networks
ELEC 10197 2 - Computer Networking Fundamentals
ELEC 10197 2 - Computer Networking Fundamentals
ELEC 10197 2 - Computer Networking Fundamentals
ELEC 10197 2 - Computer Networking Fundamentals
ELEC 10198 2 - Engineering Skills And Systems
ELEC 10198 2 - Engineering Skills And Systems
ELEC 10198 2 - Engineering Skills And Systems
ELEC 10198 2 - Engineering Skills And Systems
ELEC 10199 2 - Fundamentals Of Dig Circuits
ELEC 10199 2 - Fundamentals Of Dig Circuits
ELEC 10199 2 - Fundamentals Of Dig Circuits
ELEC 10199 2 - Fundamentals Of Dig Circuits
ELEC 10201 4 - Eng Drafting And Design 2
ELEC 10201 4 - Eng Drafting And Design 2
ELEC 10203 4 - Intro To Inst & Process Cont
ELEC 10203 4 - Intro To Inst & Process Cont
ELEC 10203 4 - Intro To Inst & Process Cont
ELEC 10203 4 - Intro To Inst & Process Cont
ELEC 10219 2 - Applied Electrical Systems
ENGR 10023 4/6 - Leed, Energy Demand & Mgmt
ENGR 10023 4/6 - Leed, Energy Demand & Mgmt
ENVR 10032 2 - Green Building Fundamentals
ENVR 10032 2 - Green Building Fundamentals
ENVR 10032 2 - Green Building Fundamentals
ENVR 10032 2 - Green Building Fundamentals
ENVR 10046 1 - Municipal Envir Infrastructure
ENVR 10055 1 - Ecology
ENVR 10055 1 - Ecology
ENVR 10056 2 - Environmental Resource Mgmt
ENVR 10056 2 - Environmental Resource Mgmt
ENVR 10057 4 - Environmental Informatics
ENVR 10057 4 - Environmental Informatics
ENVR CV403 4 - Municipal 2
ENVR CV420 4 - Munc. Serv. 2
ENVR CV503 5 - Municipal 3
ENVR CY501 2 - Environmental Regulation
ENVR CY501 2 - Environmental Regulation
ENVR CY601 4 - Sampling And Analysis
ENVR CY601 4 - Sampling And Analysis
ENVR EA204 1 - Environmental Tech.
ENVR EA204 1 - Environmental Tech.
ENVR EA204 1 - Environmental Tech.
ENVR EA204 1 - Environmental Tech.
ENVR EA204 1 - Environmental Tech.
FINC 10007 4 - Financial Plng Income Tax 2
FINC 10032 1 - Financial Foundations
FINC 10032 1 - Financial Foundations
FINC 10032 1 - Financial Foundations
FINC 10035 2 - Strategic Investment Planning
FINC 10036 2 - Professional Communication
FINC 10037 2 - Credit
GAME 10000 1 - Game Design Fundamentals
GAME 10001 1 - Game History
GAME 10002 1 - Design Thinking Foundations
GAME 10003 1 - Game Development Foundations
GAME 10004 1 - Game Asset Development 2d Gfx
GAME 10005 1 - Ethics In Game Design
GAME 10006 2 - Play Design Foundations
GAME 10007 2 - Interactive Story Development
GAME 10008 2 - Games User Research Design
GAME 10009 2 - Applications Of Game Engines
GAME 10010 2 - Game Asset Development: 3d Gfx
GAME 10011 2 - Prototyping Foundations
GAME 10030 2 - Futurist Thinking
GRAP 10064 2 - Illustration
GRAP 10069 2 - Portfolio Development
GRAP 10071 2 - Animation
GRAP 10074 2 - Scriptwriting Design
GRAP 10075 2 - Character Design
GRAP 10076 2 - Figure Drawing
GRAP 10077 2 - Digital Colouring Techniques
GRAP 10087 4 - Sequential Art Visualization
GRAP 10088 4 - Animating For Script
GRAP 10089 4 - Video Assembly
GRAP 10090 4 - Concept Sequential Art
GRAP 10094 2 - Typography
GRAP 10099 2 - Animation Principles
GRAP 10100 2 - Construction For Animation
GRAP 10103 4 - Performance Animation
GRAP 10104 4 - Living Lab Project
GRAP 10130 1 - Graphic Design Fundamentals
GRAP 10145 2 - Video Lab
GRAP 10146 1 - Typography 1
GRAP 10148 1 - Creative Concepts 1
GRAP 10152 2 - Typography 2
GRAP 10154 2 - Creative Concepts 2
GRAP 10155 2 - Graphic Design Layout 1
GRAP 10171 4 - Creat Image & Photogenic Des 2
GRAP 10174 4 - Design Art 2
GRAP 10175 4 - Integrated Art 2
GRAP 10190 6 - Portfolio Design
GRAP 10191 6 - Crea Image & Photogenic Design 4
GRAP 10201 6 - The Agency Connection
GRAP 10202 6 - Entrepreneruial Bus Strategies
GRAP 10206 6 - Web And Graphic Design
GRAP 10206 6 - Web And Graphic Design
GRAP 10209 2 - Design & Output Level 2
GRAP 10211 2 - Inrto Graph Design For Pr 2
GRAP 10212 2 - Creative Application Basic
GRAP 10213 1 - Design Process
GRAP 10215 2 - Web Design 1
GRAP 10216 2 - Vector Design Foundations
GRAP 10222 4 - Branding And Design
GRAP 10224 4 - Design And Production 2
GRAP 10225 4 - Specialized Print Design 2
GRAP 10226 4 - Print And Finishing Design 2
GRAP 10231 6 - Motion Graphics Intro
GRAP 10234 4 - User Experience 2 (Ux 2)
GRAP 10235 4 - User Inteface 2 (Ui 2)
GRAP 10238 2 - Visual Web Design 2
HIST 10010 1 - History: Myth & Reality
HIST 10010 1 - History: Myth & Reality
HIST 10010 1 - History: Myth & Reality
HIST 10015 1 - History & Ethics Of Social Work
HIST 10020 1 - History Of War 20th Century
HIST 10020 2 - History Of War 20th Century
HIST 10020 2 - History Of War 20th Century
HIST 10022 4 - History Of Western Civil 2
HIST 10033 1 - Art Through The Ages
HIST 10033 2 - Art Through The Ages
HIST 10033 2 - Art Through The Ages
HLTH 10077 1 - Exercise Physiology
HLTH 10078 1 - Anatomy
HLTH 10082 2 - Consult&Behaviour Change
HLTH 10086 2 - Nutrition
HLTH 10092 4 - Adaptive Exercise
HLTH 10093 2 - Health Issues In Canada
HLTH 10142 2 - Biomechanics
HLTH 10149 1 - Excercise Techniques
HLTH 10150 4 - Nutrition Applications
HLTH 10154 1 - Basic Theory & Technique-Mt
HLTH 10156 1 - Basic Treatment Protocols-Mt
HLTH 10158 2 - Mechanisms Of Healing
HLTH 10159 2 - Intermediary Theory & Tech.Mt
HLTH 10160 4 - Intermed Ortho & Phys Assessment
HLTH 10161 2 - Intermediary Treatment Protoco
HLTH 10166 2 - Pathology - Mt
HLTH 10168 4 - Syst:Periphl Nerv Syst & Endoc
HLTH 10169 4 - Kinesiology Remedial Ex:Mt
HLTH 10170 4 - Syst:Urinary And Reproductive
HLTH 10171 4 - Adaptive Treatment Protocols:Mt
HLTH 10172 1 - Hydrotherap- Mt
HLTH 10177 6 - Registry Exam Prep:Mcq
HLTH 10180 6 - Registry Exam Prep: Osce
HLTH 10184 1 - Ems - Practical Fitness A
HLTH 10184 1 - Ems - Practical Fitness A
HLTH 10184 1 - Ems - Practical Fitness A
HLTH 10187 4 - Pf - Practical Fitness - B
HLTH 10187 4 - Pf - Practical Fitness - B
HLTH 10189 4 - C & Js Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10189 4 - C & Js Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10191 4 - Psi - Practival Fitness B
HLTH 10191 4 - Psi - Practival Fitness B
HLTH 10192 1 - Health Assessments
HLTH 10194 4 - Field Placement 2
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10198 2 - Ems Practical Fitness B
HLTH 10206 4 - Industry Employability Skills
HLTH 10208 1 - Principles Of Hlth Sc:Mt
HLTH 10209 2 - Musculo -Skeletal Assessments
HLTH 10210 2 - Energy Systems Assessments
HLTH 10211 2 - Field Placement Prep
HLTH 10230 1 - Anatomy Mt
HLTH 10249 1 - Foundations Of Mental Health
HLTH 10257 2 - Musculoskeletal Anat & Palp Mt
HLTH 10273 1 - Self-Mgmt For Health Profess.
HLTH 10274 4 - Digestive System & Nutrition
HLTH 10280 4 - Anatomy & Physiology
HLTH 10280 4 - Anatomy & Physiology
HLTH 10285 2 - Fitness & Assessment B
HLTH 10286 4 - Injury Management
HLTH 10289 1 - Physlgy, Pathlgy & Med Term
HLTH 10290 2 - Patient Safety & Risk Mgmt
HLTH 10314 4 - Business & Entrepreneurship
HLTH 10315 1 - Hwf Coaching Fund.
HLTH EC101 1 - Health, Safety & Nutrition
HMNS 10006 2 - Treating Challenging Behaviour
HMNS 10052 2 - Cd Treatment Models
HMNS 10053 2 - Support Families Living With C
HMNS 10054 2 - Relapse Prevention
HMNS 10095 4 - Ssw Community Change
HMNS 10096 4 - Issues Related To Family
HMNS 10100 1 - Intro. To Social Srvice Work
HMNS 10101 1 - Community Aware & Fld Plcmt Prep
HMNS 10102 2 - Intro Abuse/Trauma/Resiliency
HMNS 10105 6 - Professional Develop Child & Y
HMNS 10124 4 - Trauma Informed Treat. Approach
HMNS 10128 2 - Brain Dis Impact Family
HMNS 10131 2 - Community Service Brain Disorder
HMNS 10132 1 - Foundation Of Disabilities
HMNS 10133 1 - Interv Strategies - Disabilities
HMNS 10134 1 - Interv Strategies - Mental Health
HMNS 10135 2 - Interv Strat Disab Metnal Hlth
HMNS 10136 2 - Wrkg With Families With Disab
HMNS 10146 2 - Capstone Project
HMNS 10146 2 - Capstone Project
HMNS 10148 2 - Professionalism In Cyc
HMNS 10149 2 - Bdm Field Placement Prep
HMNS 10151 2 - Mhdm Fp Preparation
HMNS 10155 2 - Interviewing Skills II
HMNS 10156 4 - Crisis Intervention For Ssw
HMNS 10160 4 - Community, Diversity&Inclusion
HMNS 10166 2 - Equity & Inclusion In Ssw Prac
HMNS CC142 1 - Intro To Cyc Practice
HMNS CC143 1 - Intro. To Group Dynamics
HMNS CC162 1 - Therapeutic Prog&Life Skills
HMNS CC257 2 - Intervention Strategies
HMNS CC532 4 - Family Work
HMNS CC556 4 - Advanced Group Work
HMNS CC558 4 - Human Sexuality In Child & You
HMNS SO127 1 - Intro. To Group Dynamics
HOSP 10041 4 - Event Planning
HRES 10022 2 - Advanced Hr Software Apps.
HRES 10029 2 - Managing Hr In Canada
HRES 10030 6 - Administering Compensation
HRES 10032 4 - Performance Management
HRES 10033 4 - Recruitment & Selection
HRES 10034 4 - Training & Developing Hr
HRES 10040 6 - Hr Planning Strategies
HRES 10042 6 - Org Consult & Facilitation Skill
HRES 10045 4 - Payroll Fundamentals
HRES 10047 6 - Hrm Career Preparation
HRES GB273 3 - Human Resource Management
HRES HRM01 1 - Hrm In Canada
HRES HRM02 1 - Organizational Behaviour (Hrm)
HRES HRM04 1 - Acctg. & Fin. Mgmt
HRES HRM05 1 - Hr Software Applications
HRES HRM06 2 - Labour Relations
HRES HRM07 1 - Hrm Career Development
HRES HRM08 2 - Strategic Hr Planning
HRES HRM11 2 - Hr Recruitment & Selection
HRES HRM12 1 - Employment Law
HRES HRM13 2 - Compensation Administration
HRES HRM14 2 - Training & Development
HRES HRM15 1 - Cdn Occup Hlth & Safety
HSCI 10022 4 - Genetics
HSCI 10022 4 - Genetics
HSCI 10022 4 - Genetics
HSCI 10023 4 - Pharmacology
HSCI 10023 4 - Pharmacology
HSCI 10023 4 - Pharmacology
HSCI 10202 1 - Pharmacology Non-Med Hlth Prof
HSCI 10233 2 - Appl. Behav. Analysis 2
IENG 10005 6 - Project Management
IENG 10113 6 - Capstone Project
INDS 10029 4 - Decolonizing Ssw Practices
INDS 10030 1 - First Ntns Metis & Inuit Prspt
INDS 10030 1 - First Ntns Metis & Inuit Prspt
INDS 10030 1 - First Ntns Metis & Inuit Prspt
INDS 10031 1 - Impacts Of The Trc
INDS 10031 2 - Impacts Of The Trc
INDS 10031 2 - Impacts Of The Trc
INDS 10032 1 - Indigenous Peoples Media & Art
INDS 10032 2 - Indigenous Peoples Media & Art
INDS 10032 2 - Indigenous Peoples Media & Art
INDS 10034 1 - Indigenous Wholistic Practices
INDS 10034 1 - Indigenous Wholistic Practices
INDS 10034 2 - Indigenous Wholistic Practices
INDS 10035 1 - Indigenous Ctns To The Land
INDS 10035 2 - Indigenous Ctns To The Land
INDS 10035 2 - Indigenous Ctns To The Land
INDS 10036 1 - First Nations Languages
INDS 10036 2 - First Nations Languages
INDS 10036 2 - First Nations Languages
INDS 10038 4 - Global Citizen Fnmi Prspt
INFO 10052 2 - Graphic Design
INFO 10164 4 - Advanced Excel Applications
INFO 10206 1 - Digital Communications
INFO 10206 1 - Digital Communications
INFO 10206 1 - Digital Communications
INFO 10207 2 - Managing Electronic Data
INFO 10207 2 - Managing Electronic Data
INFO 10207 2 - Managing Electronic Data
INFO 10208 2 - Presentation Skills
INFO 10208 2 - Presentation Skills
INFO 10208 2 - Presentation Skills
INFO 10209 2 - Document Production
INFO 10209 2 - Document Production
INFO 10209 2 - Document Production
INFO 10213 2 - Information Systems Management
INFO 10257 1 - Database Analytics
INFO 10258 1 - Excel For Business Analytics
INFO 10276 1 - Document Creation & Editing
INFO 10276 1 - Document Creation & Editing
INFO 10276 1 - Document Creation & Editing
INFO 10277 1 - Fundamentals Of Word
INFO 10277 1 - Fundamentals Of Word
INFO 10277 1 - Fundamentals Of Word
INFO 10282 4 - Integrated Office Projects
INFO 10296 1 - Health, Legal & Privacy Admin
INFO 10297 1 - Digital Health Fundamentals
INFO 10298 1 - Telehealth & Virtual Hospitals
INFO 10299 1 - Digital Health Capstone Prep
INFO 10300 2 - Digital Health Devices
INFO 10301 2 - Digital Health Architectures
INFO 10302 2 - Data Analytics For Healthcare
INFO 10303 2 - Digital Health Capstone
INFO 10306 4 - Informatics Health Office
INFO CVA03 5 - Intro To Geo Info Systems
INFO CVA03 5 - Intro To Geo Info Systems
INFO CY203 2 - Lab Computer Applic And Gis
INFO CY203 2 - Lab Computer Applic And Gis
INSR 10001 2 - Underwriting Essentials
INSR 10001 2 - Underwriting Essentials
INSR 10002 4 - Essentials Of Loss Adjusting
INSR 10002 4 - Essentials Of Loss Adjusting
INSR 10008 4 - Life License Qualification
INSR 10012 2 - Insurance Essentials
INSR 10012 2 - Insurance Essentials
INSR 10013 4 - Fraud Awareness & Prevention
INSR 10013 4 - Fraud Awareness & Prevention
INSR IA180 2 - Principles Of Insurance 1
INSR IA180 2 - Principles Of Insurance 1
INSR IA382 4 - Insurance Against Liability
INSR IA382 4 - Insurance Against Liability
INSR OA350 3 - Health Insurance Billing
INST 10000 4 - Biochem Process Instrum
INST CH607 6 - Instrumental Analysis 2
KEYB 10008 1 - Keyboarding
KEYB 10008 1 - Keyboarding
KEYB 10008 1 - Keyboarding
LAWS 10001 4 - Tv Law & Ethics
LAWS 10013 4 - Ethics Compliance And Law
LAWS 10027 2 - Document & Evidentiary
LAWS 10038 2 - Juddgemental Training Sessions
LAWS 10039 2 - Crime Scene Analysis
LAWS 10044 2 - Use Of Force: 2
LAWS 10052 4 - Laws And Ethics
LAWS 10052 6 - Laws And Ethics
LAWS 10072 4 - Use Of Force: Basics
LAWS 10072 4 - Use Of Force: Basics
LAWS 10079 4 - Case Management
LAWS 10079 4 - Case Management
LAWS 10080 4 - Paroject Analysis & Development
LAWS 10080 4 - Paroject Analysis & Development
LAWS 10095 1 - Ethics&Professional Resp
LAWS 10096 4 - Evidence & Litigation
LAWS 10107 4 - Intervention Techniques
LAWS 10107 4 - Intervention Techniques
LAWS 10108 4 - Working With Youth
LAWS 10108 4 - Working With Youth
LAWS 10112 4 - Social Policy & Law
LAWS 10115 2 - Small Claims Court
LAWS 10124 2 - Administrative Laws
LAWS 10125 1 - Intro. To Legal System
LAWS 10126 4 - Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAWS 10127 2 - Prov Off/Hwy Traffic Act Off
LAWS 10129 2 - Crim/Summary Conviction Proced
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10168 4 - Employment Strategies
LAWS 10181 4 - Real Estate 2
LAWS 10182 4 - Litigation 2
LAWS 10183 4 - Family Law Procedures
LAWS 10184 4 - Legal Office Career Prep
LAWS 10185 4 - Statutory Accident Benefits
LAWS 10186 2 - Community Service Brain Disorder
LAWS 10186 2 - Legal Implicat & Brain Disord
LAWS 10199 4 - Behaviour Mgmt & Safety
LAWS 10199 4 - Behaviour Mgmt & Safety
LAWS 10200 4 - Investigative Techniology
LAWS 10200 4 - Investigative Techniology
LAWS 10202 2 - Paralegal Career Preparation
LAWS 10206 4 - Managing Aggressive Behaviour
LAWS 10206 4 - Managing Aggressive Behaviour
LAWS 10211 4 - Investigative Methods
LAWS 10211 4 - Investigative Methods
LAWS 10217 2 - Applied Authorities
LAWS 10219 2 - Paralegal Writing
LAWS 10238 1 - Canadian Law
LAWS 10238 1 - Canadian Law
LAWS 10238 1 - Canadian Law
LAWS 10239 1 - Conflict Resolution Skills
LAWS 10239 1 - Conflict Resolution Skills
LAWS 10239 1 - Conflict Resolution Skills
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS 10240 2 - Canada's Justice System
LAWS CN240 2 - Ontario Building Code
LAWS CN240 2 - Ontario Building Code
LAWS OA318 4 - Wills & Estates
LAWS PF106 1 - Principles Of Ethical Reasoning
LAWS PF106 1 - Principles Of Ethical Reasoning
LAWS PF106 1 - Principles Of Ethical Reasoning
LAWS PF304 4 - Interviewing & Investigation
LAWS PF304 4 - Interviewing & Investigation
LAWS PF402 4 - Crim Code & Fed Statutes
LAWS PF402 4 - Crim Code & Fed Statutes
LAWS PF403 4 - Applied Enforcement Procedures
LAWS PF403 4 - Police Powers And The Law
LAWS PF405 4 - Community Policing
LAWS PF405 4 - Community Policing
LAWS UP211 2 - Planning Law 1
LAWS UP211 2 - Planning Law 1
LITR 10000 1 - Speculative Fiction
LITR 10000 1 - Speculative Fiction
LITR 10000 1 - Speculative Fiction
LITR 10001 1 - Movies & Culture
LITR 10001 2 - Movies & Culture
LITR 10001 2 - Movies & Culture
LITR 10002 1 - Crime Fiction
LITR 10002 2 - Crime Fiction
LITR 10002 2 - Crime Fiction
MATH 10008 1 - Pre Health Math 1
MATH 10009 2 - Pre-Health Math 2
MATH 10012 1 - Mathematics 1
MATH 10012 1 - Mathematics 1
MATH 10012 1 - Mathematics 1
MATH 10012 1 - Mathematics 1
MATH 10016 4 - Math
MATH 10020 2 - Math
MATH 10020 2 - Math
MATH 10020 2 - Math
MATH 10020 2 - Math
MATH 10020 2 - Math
MATH 10021 2 - Engineering Mathematics 2
MATH 10021 2 - Engineering Mathematics 2
MATH 10021 2 - Engineering Mathematics 2
MATH 10021 2 - Engineering Mathematics 2
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10037 2 - Business Math Of Finance
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10042 1 - Math For Computer Studies
MATH 10063 2 - College Prep Math
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10064 2 - Discrete Math & Statistics
MATH 10072 2 - Advanced Pre-Health Math 2
MATH 10078 1 - Finance Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10083 1 - Basic Math Review & Busn Math
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10084 1 - Mathematics For Business
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10088 1 - Technical Math1
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10089 2 - Technical Math 2
MATH 10090 2 - Technical Math 2 (Mechanical)
MATH 10092 4 - Technical Math 4
MATH 10092 4 - Technical Math 4
MATH MA006 1 - Mathematics 1 G.A.S
MATH MA006 1 - Mathematics 1 G.A.S
MATH MA018 2 - Math
MATH MA018 2 - Math
MATH MA179 1 - Engineering Mathematics 1
MATH MA179 1 - Engineering Mathematics 1
MATH MA179 1 - Engineering Mathematics 1
MATH MA179 1 - Engineering Mathematics 1
MATL 10116 4 - Methods And Materials 2
MATL 10117 4 - Geo/Mat B
MATL 10118 4 - Struct & Prop Of Materials
MATL CV504 5 - Geotech 2
MATL EA102 2 - Construction Materials 1
MATL EA102 2 - Construction Materials 1
MATL EA102 2 - Construction Materials 1
MATL EA102 2 - Construction Materials 1
MATL EA102 2 - Construction Materials 1
MATL MTA74 6 - Casting Simulation
MATL MTB71 2 - Intro. To Metallurgy
MCOM 10009 2 - Media Relations 2 - Practice
MCOM 10086 2 - Crisis Communications
MCOM 10087 2 - Campaign Presentation
MCOM 10125 2 - Interactive Copy
MCOM 10136 6 - Adv Multimedia Production 2
MCOM 10137 6 - Advanced Print Production 2
MCOM 10170 2 - Advertising Introduction
MCOM 10213 6 - Diveristy In Journalism
MCOM 10360 2 - Multimedia Storytelling
MCOM 10378 2 - Advertising And Design
MCOM 10384 2 - Live On-Air 2
MCOM 10385 2 - Writing & Production 1
MCOM 10386 2 - Digital Creative Content 1
MCOM 10387 2 - Social Media 1 (Branding)
MCOM 10388 2 - Promotions
MCOM 10389 2 - Intro To Programming
MCOM 10404 2 - Pre-Production 2
MCOM 10405 2 - Production 2
MCOM 10406 2 - Post Production 2
MCOM 10412 4 - Pre-Production 4
MCOM 10413 4 - Production 4
MCOM 10414 4 - Post Production 4
MCOM 10415 4 - Media Careers 2
MCOM 10417 6 - Emerging Technologies
MCOM 10418 6 - Media Services 2
MCOM 10429 1 - Creativity And Wellbeing
MCOM 10448 2 - Television History
MCOM 10449 2 - Sound Design
MCOM AD135 2 - Media 2
MCOM TV999 6 - Field Placement (Television)
MECH 10018 6 - Fluid Mechanics
MECH 10019 6 - Heat Transfer
MECH 10057 2 - Geometric Dimension Tolerance
MECH 10132 6 - Advanced Solidworks
MECH MC364 4 - Strength Of Materials
MECH MC422 4 - Dynamics
MECH MC614 6 - Machine Design 2
METR 10009 1 - Metrology
MGMT 10003 2 - Special Events Plning & Mgmt
MGMT 10008 4 - Project Mgmt For I.T..
MGMT 10008 4 - Project Mgmt For I.T..
MGMT 10068 1 - Leadership & Teambuilding Skil
MGMT 10084 2 - Career Mgmt For Hwf Prof
MGMT 10108 2 - Parts Management
MGMT 10108 2 - Parts Management
MGMT 10114 4 - Engineering Project Management
MGMT 10114 4 - Engineering Project Management
MGMT 10114 4 - Engineering Project Management
MGMT 10114 4 - Engineering Project Management
MGMT 10131 4 - Human Relations And Leadership
MGMT 10141 4 - Environmental Capstone Project
MGMT 10141 4 - Environmental Capstone Project
MGMT 10151 6 - Management Skills
MGMT 10179 1 - Digital Health Project Mgmt
MGMT 10180 2 - Change Mgmt & Process Modelling
MGMT BA534 6 - Business Management
MGMT BA534 6 - Business Management
MGMT CC153 2 - Legislation: Policies & Proced
MGMT CN440 4 - Construction Mgmt B
MGMT CN440 4 - Construction Mgmt B
MGMT EA541 5 - Construction Management 1
MGMT IM153 1 - Manufacturing Mgmt
MOTP 10008 1 - Auto Service Technician
MOTP 10105 1 - Lrng Strategies & Comp Skills
MOTP 10108 1 - Fuel & Electrical 1 - Theory
MOTP 10109 1 - Fuel And Electrical 1 - Lab
MOTP 10110 1 - Work Practices And Engines 1 - Theory
MOTP 10111 1 - Work Practices And Engines 1 - Lab
MOTP 10112 2 - Electrical 2 - Lab
MOTP 10112 2 - Electrical 2 - Lab
MOTP 10113 2 - Electrical 2 - Theory
MOTP 10113 2 - Electrical 2 - Theory
MOTP 10114 2 - Chassis 1 - Lab
MOTP 10114 2 - Chassis 1 - Lab
MOTP 10115 2 - Chassis 1 - Theory
MOTP 10115 2 - Chassis 1 - Theory
MOTP 10116 2 - Gears 1 - Lab
MOTP 10116 2 - Gears 1 - Lab
MOTP 10117 2 - Gears 1 - Theory
MOTP 10117 2 - Gears 1 - Theory
MOTP 10124 4 - Chassis & Gears 3 - Theory
MOTP 10125 4 - Chassis & Gears 3 - Lab
MOTP 10126 4 - Fuel & Emissions 3 - Theory
MOTP 10127 4 - Fuel & Emissions 3 - Lab
MOTP 10128 4 - Work Prac & Engines 3 - Theory
MOTP 10129 4 - Work Prac & Engines 3 - Lab
MRKT 10051 4 - Marketing: Analysis/Research
MRKT 10051 4 - Marketing: Analysis/Research
MRKT 10051 4 - Marketing: Analysis/Research
MRKT 10056 4 - Marketing & Social Media
MRKT 10074 4 - Markting Consultancy Practice A
MRKT 10074 4 - Markting Consultancy Practice A
MRKT 10074 4 - Markting Consultancy Practice A
MRKT 10077 6 - Corp Ethics Sustain Mrktng Gov
MRKT 10077 6 - Corp Ethics Sustain Mrktng Gov
MRKT 10080 6 - Marketing Careers
MRKT 10080 6 - Marketing Careers
MRKT 10081 6 - Business To Business Mrktng
MRKT 10081 6 - Business To Business Mrktng
MRKT 10082 6 - Mrktng Consult Pract B Startup
MRKT 10082 6 - Mrktng Consult Pract B Startup
MRKT 10092 4 - Content Mktg & Social Media
MRKT 10092 4 - Content Mktg & Social Media
MRKT 10092 4 - Content Mktg & Social Media
MRKT 10093 2 - Case Analysis & Presentations
MRKT 10093 2 - Case Analysis & Presentations
MRKT 10093 2 - Case Analysis & Presentations
MRKT 10095 4 - Small Business For Marketers
MRKT 10095 4 - Small Business For Marketers
MRKT 10095 4 - Small Business For Marketers
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT CB158 1 - Introduction To Marketing
MRKT MK351 2 - Enhanced Marketing Principles
MRKT MK351 2 - Enhanced Marketing Principles
MRKT MK351 2 - Enhanced Marketing Principles
MRKT MK351 3 - Enhanced Marketing Principles
MRKT MK353 4 - Global Marketing
MRKT MK353 4 - Global Marketing
MRKT MK353 4 - Global Marketing
MRKT MK375 2 - Consumer Behaviour
MRKT MK375 2 - Consumer Behaviour
MRKT MK375 2 - Consumer Behaviour
MUSC 10114 2 - Popular Music And Society
MUSC 10114 6 - Popular Music And Society
NDTE 10003 2 - Liquid Penetrant Lev 1&2
NDTE 10006 2 - Magnetic Particle Levels 1&2
NDTE 10009 2 - Codes And Standards
NDTE 10012 2 - Certified Exposure Dev Operatr
NDTE 10015 4 - Eddy Current - Level 1
NDTE 10018 4 - Nde Capstone
OADM 10019 1 - Professional Admin. Skills
OADM 10019 1 - Professional Admin. Skills
OADM 10019 1 - Professional Admin. Skills
OADM 10020 3 - Medical Terminology 1
OADM 10021 4 - Executive Admin Procedures
OADM 10024 4 - Into To Analytics
OADM OA324 4 - Medical Terminology 2
OADM OA327 3 - Investigative Procedures
OADM OA332 3 - Hospital Unit Procedures 1
OADM OA352 3 - Medical Transcription 1
OADM OA432 4 - Hospital Unit Procedures 2
OADM OA452 4 - Medical Transcribing 2
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 1 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 2 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 3 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 4 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 4 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 4 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 5 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXX 5 - General Education Elective 1
OPEL XXXXY 4 - General Education Elective 3
OPEL XXXXY 6 - General Education Elective 3
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 2 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 3 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 3 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 4 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 5 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 5 - General Education Elective 2
OPEL XXXXZ 6 - General Education Elective 2
PERS 10018 2 - Life Skills 1
PERS 10030 2 - Global Wellness
PHIL 10001 4 - World Religions
PHOTO 10038 2 - Digital Still Image Editing
PHTO 10032 4 - Business Of Photography
PHTO 10033 2 - Motion Photography Basics
PHTO 10039 2 - Intro To Motion Editing
PHTO 10044 2 - Creative Lighting Techniques
PHTO 10049 4 - Creative Productions
PHTO 10065 4 - Self Promo & Portfolio Design
PHTO 10066 2 - Creative Photography Technique
PHTO 10068 2 - Studio 02
PHTO 10081 2 - Video Creation
PHTO 10087 4 - Professional Production
PHTO 10088 4 - Studio 04
PHTO 10107 4 - Capstone Experience
PHTO 10108 2 - Photography Fundamentals
PHYS 10007 1 - Physical Measure Data Analysis
PHYS 10007 1 - Physical Measure Data Analysis
PHYS 10007 1 - Physical Measure Data Analysis
PHYS 10007 1 - Physical Measure Data Analysis
PHYS 10008 2 - Fundamentals Of Physics
PHYS 10008 2 - Fundamentals Of Physics
PHYS 10008 2 - Fundamentals Of Physics
PHYS 10008 2 - Fundamentals Of Physics
PHYS 10009 2 - Physical Science
PHYS 10009 2 - Physical Science
PHYS 10010 2 - Physics For Pre-Health
PHYS 10011 1 - Physics For Chem. Eng.
PHYS EA201 2 - Applied Mechanics
PHYS EA201 2 - Applied Mechanics
PHYS EA201 2 - Applied Mechanics
PHYS PE108 2 - Preparatory Physics
PHYS PE108 2 - Preparatory Physics
PHYS PE108 2 - Preparatory Physics
PLAN 10010 4 - Strat Financial Planning Pract
PRES 10029 2 - Transition To Work Experience
PSOL 10012 4 - Political Economy
PSOL 10016 4 - Contemporary Ethical Issues
PSOL 10016 4 - Contemporary Ethical Issues
PSOL 10016 4 - Contemporary Ethical Issues
PSOL AS301 2 - Inquiry
PSOL AS301 2 - Inquiry
PSYC 10014 2 - Issues In Psychology
PSYC 10014 2 - Issues In Psychology
PSYC 10014 2 - Psych & Crim. Justice System
PSYC 10014 2 - Psych & The Crim Justice Sys
PSYC 10014 2 - Psych & Crim. Justice System
PSYC 10014 2 - Psych & The Crim Justice Sys
PSYC 10015 1 - Human Sexuality
PSYC 10015 2 - Human Sexuality
PSYC 10015 2 - Human Sexuality
PSYC 10016 1 - Sport And Exercise Psychology
PSYC 10028 1 - Positive Psychology
PSYC 10028 1 - Positive Psychology
PSYC 10028 1 - Positive Psychology
PSYC 10028 1 - Positive Psychology
PSYC 10032 1 - Criminal Psychology
PSYC SS156 1 - Introductory To Psychology
PSYC SS156 1 - Introductory To Psychology
PSYC SS156 1 - Introductory To Psychology
PSYC SS156 1 - Introductory To Psychology
PSYC SS156 2 - Introductory To Psychology
PSYC SS182 4 - Social Psychology
PSYC SS271 1 - Developmental Psychology
PSYC SS271 2 - Developmental Psychology
PSYC SS271 2 - Developmental Psychology
PSYC SS271 2 - Developmental Psychology
QUAL 10010 2 - Intro To Quality Assurance
QUAL 10010 2 - Intro To Quality Assurance
QUAL 10020 4 - Environmental Mgmt Systems
QUAL 10020 4 - Environmental Mgmt Systems
RECL 10022 2 - Inclusive Recreation
RECL 10023 3 - Persnl Hlth, Wellness Fitnes
RECL 10024 4 - Recreational Leisure Planning
RECL RL220 1 - Found To Inclusive Recreation
RECT 10001 1 - Intro To Recreation Therapy
RECT 10002 2 - Recreation Therapy Prac. Sem.1
RECT 10005 2 - Assess & Doc For Rec. Therapy
RECT 10010 4 - Rt Practicum Sem 3
RECT 10010 4 - Rt Practicum Sem 3
RECT 10014 4 - Disability Hlth Func Rectherapy
RECT 10014 4 - Disability Health Func Rec T
RECT 10020 1 - Rec Therapy Practcum Prep
RECT 10031 1 - Personal Centered Care
RECT 10032 2 - Facilitation Practice In Rt
RECT 10033 2 - Program Delivery In Rt
RSCH 10004 4 - Research & Evaluation Rt
RSCH 10004 4 - Research & Evaluation Rt
RSCH 10007 2 - Research In Massage Therapy
RSCH 10027 1 - Legal Research & Writing
SAFE 10037 1 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10037 1 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10037 1 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10037 1 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10037 1 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10037 2 - H&S In Our Environment
SAFE 10085 2 - Critical Incident & Safety Mgm
SSCI 10020 1 - Crime & Society
SSCI 10020 1 - Crime & Society
SSCI 10020 1 - Crime & Society
SSCI 10037 1 - Environmental Sustainability
SSCI 10037 2 - Environmental Sustainability
SSCI 10037 2 - Environmental Sustainability
SSCI 10047 1 - Sociology For Ssw
SSCI 10050 2 - Workplace Culture
SSCI 10051 1 - Intro To Critical Thinking
SSCI 10051 1 - Intro To Critical Thinking
SSCI 10058 1 - Aging In Society
SSCI 10058 1 - Aging In Society
SSCI 10058 1 - Aging In Society
SSCI 10059 1 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10059 2 - Valuing Diversity
SSCI 10074 1 - Holocaust Deaf Perspectives
SSCI 10074 1 - Holocaust Deaf Perspectives
SSCI 10074 1 - Holocaust Deaf Perspectives
SSCI 10076 1 - Drugs & Behaviour
SSCI 10076 1 - Drugs & Behaviour
SSCI 10076 1 - Drugs & Behaviour
SSCI 10078 4 - Democracy & Civilization
SSCI 10079 2 - Digital Thinking
SSCI 10079 2 - Digital Thinking
SSCI 10079 2 - Digital Thinking
SSCI 10080 1 - Self And Society
SSCI 10080 2 - Self And Society
SSCI 10080 2 - Self And Society
SSCI 10084 1 - Digital Wellness
SSCI 10090 1 - Creating Sustainable Cities
SSCI 10091 1 - Global Issues
SSCI 10091 1 - Global Issues
SSCI 10091 1 - Global Issues
SSCI 10092 1 - Canadian Democracy
SSCI 10092 1 - Canadian Democracy
SSCI 10092 1 - Canadian Democracy
SSCI 10093 1 - Global Workplace Success
SSCI 10093 2 - Global Workplace Success
SSCI 10093 2 - Global Workplace Success
SSCI AS106 1 - Popular Culture
SSCI AS106 1 - Popular Culture
SSCI AS106 1 - Popular Culture
SSCI AS406 4 - Independent Study
SSCI SS108 1 - Intro To Sociology
SSCI SS108 1 - Intro To Sociology
SSCI SS108 1 - Intro To Sociology
SSCI SS108 1 - Intro To Sociology
SSCI SS299 1 - Society, Techny & Social Issues
SSCI SS299 1 - Society, Techny & Social Issues
SSCI SS299 1 - Society, Techny & Social Issues
SSCI UP111 1 - Intro-Planning&Goverment
SSCI UP111 1 - Intro-Planning&Goverment
SSCI UP111 1 - Intro-Planning&Goverment
SSCI UP111 1 - Intro-Planning&Goverment
SSCI UP111 1 - Intro-Planning&Goverment
STAT 10000 4 - Critical Analysis Hwf
STAT 10001 1 - Statistics For Bus Analytics
STAT 10003 2 - Statistics For Eng Tech
STAT 10003 2 - Statistics For Eng Tech
STAT 10006 4 - Introductory Business Stats
STAT 10006 4 - Introductory Business Stats
STAT 10006 4 - Introductory Business Stats
STAT 10008 2 - Statistics For Global Bus Mgmt
STAT 10009 6 - Quan Methods Analytics
STEN MC400 4 - Automation 1
SURV 10003 1 - Surveying 1 (Virtual)
SURV 10003 2 - Surveying 1 (Virtual)
SURV 10003 2 - Surveying 1 (Virtual)
SURV EA141 1 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 1 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 1 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 1 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 1 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 2 - Surveying 1
SURV EA141 2 - Surveying 1
TDRW EA106 1 - Drafting Fundamentals & Standards
TDRW EA106 1 - Drafting Fundamentals & Standards
TDRW EA106 1 - Drafting Fundamentals & Standards
TDRW EA106 1 - Drafting Fundamentals & Standards
TOUR 10000 1 - Tourism Computer Applications
TOUR 10001 1 - Tourism Financial Concepts
TOUR 10002 1 - Introduction To Tourism
TOUR 10003 1 - Destination The Americas
TOUR 10004 2 - Intro Reservation Software
TOUR 10005 2 - Hotel Operations
TOUR 10007 2 - Destination Europe
TOUR 10008 2 - Cruise & Rail
TOUR 10011 2 - Tour Planning
TOUR 10014 4 - Advanced Reservation Software
TOUR 10015 4 - Agency Operations & Legalities
TRAN 10003 5 - Transporatation Data Analysis 2
TRAN CV571 4 - Highway Technology A
TRAN EA105 2 - Transportation Techy
TRAN EA105 2 - Transportation Technology
TRAN EA105 2 - Transportation Techy
TRAN EA105 2 - Transportation Techy
TRAN EA105 2 - Transportation Technology
TRAN TR151 5 - Trans. Planning 1
TRAN TR562 5 - Transportation Design
TRAN TR592 5 - Transportation Project 1
UPLN UP221 2 - Mapping & Subdivision Design
UPLN UP221 2 - Mapping & Subdivision Design
WAST 10011 4 - Industrial Waste Treatment
WAST 10011 4 - Industrial Waste Treatment
WORK 10020 2 - Field Placement 2
WORK 10070 6 - Field Placement (Journalism)
WORK 10090 2 - Recreation Therapy Prac 1
WORK 10094 3 - Job Practice 1
WORK 10095 4 - Job Practice 2
WORK 10099 4 - Field Practicum
WORK 10102 2 - Employment Exploration
WORK 10113 2 - Field Placement Concurrent Dis
WORK 10120 2 - Integrated Seminar 1
WORK 10121 2 - Field Placement 1
WORK 10124 4 - Integrated Seminar 3
WORK 10125 4 - Field Placement 3
WORK 10128 4 - Adv Practicum For Rt
WORK 10128 4 - Adv Practicum For Rt
WORK 10137 6 - Field Placement 2
WORK 10145 2 - Autism Behav Scien Field Sem 2
WORK 10149 6 - Graphics Dsgn Internship
WORK 10153 2 - Pr/Comms Field Placement
WORK 10156 2 - Ece Practicum 1
WORK 10157 3 - Ece Prracticum 2
WORK 10158 4 - Ece Practicum 3
WORK 10173 4 - Digital Health Wil Prep
WORK 10592 2 - Experiential Learn Opportunity
WORK AD999 6 - Field Placement (Advertising)
WORK HRM99 2 - Hrm-Work Placement
WORK OA992 4 - Work Experience-Executive
WORK OA993 4 - Work Experience-Legal
WORK OA994 4 - Work Experience - Medical
WORK TL409 4 - Work Experience Training
XANT 10000 1 - Introduction To Anthropology
XBED XXXXA 2 - Breadth Elective 1
XBRD 10003 6 - Breadth Elective 2
XBRD XXXXB 4 - Breadth Elective 2
XBRD XXXXC 4 - Breadth Elective 3
XCOM 10001 2 - Storytelling For Analytics
XECO 10000 2 - Microeconomics
XENS 20000 1 - Global Justice And Environmental Sustainability
XFIN 10000 4 - Financial Accounting
XHLT 10001 4 - Patient Safety & Risk Mgmt
XINF 10003 2 - Web Programming
XINF 10004 2 - Information Mgmt For Health
XINF 10005 2 - Operating System Fundamentals
XINF 10011 4 - Data Structures And Algorithms
XINF 10012 4 - Computer Architecture
XINF 10013 4 - Data Security Fundamentals
XINF 10017 6 - Digital Imaging For Health
XINF 10018 6 - Digital Health Architectures
XINF 10019 6 - Digital Health Devices
XINF 10032 4 - Data Modelling
XINF 10033 4 - Machine Learning
XMGT 10000 4 - Digital Health Project Management - Degree
XMGT 10004 2 - Organizational Behaviour
XMGT 10005 2 - Management Information Systems
XMTH 10000 2 - Mathematics
XMTH 10002 2 - Probability And Linear Algebra
XRSH 10000 4 - Research Ethics
XSTA 10001 6 - Research & Evaluation Methods